Linexpo Istanbul 2022 Underwear and Hosiery Fair Was Held
Linexpo Istanbul Underwear and Hosiery Fair was held on February 9-12, 2022 at Istanbul Expo Center.
150 companies, manufacturers of underwear and hosiery, will present their latest products with more than 250 different brands in the international market with the Linexpo Istanbul 2019 Fair between 6 to 9 February, 2019. You can see the participants on our website.
Linexpo Istanbul Underwear and Hosiery Fair was held on February 9-12, 2022 at Istanbul Expo Center.
The international underwair trade organisation LINEXPO STREET FESTIVAL, organised at the region “Yesil Direk” (i.e. Green Pillar”)in Eminonu, which is the center of the underwear in Turkey, was held!
We appreciate your interest that you hove shown to the Linexpo 2020 Istanbul Underwear and Hosiery Fair. We invide all of our visitors to the Linexpo 2021 to be held between 10-13 February, the next year.
Linexpo 2020 Istanbul Underwear - Hosiery Fair, which has become one of the most important international trade meeting points where the buyers discover new brands, shall continue until the 8th of February, 2020, Saturday, 18:00 hours.
The Linexpo Istanbul 2020 Underwear and Hosiery Fair has become a center of interest of the professionals of all the sector since the moment of its opening with the presentation of Mrs. Burcu Esmersoy.
The doors of our fair, which is to be opened on the 5th February, Wednesday at 11:00 hours, will be open to all our visitors on February 5-6-7-8 between 9:30-18:00 hours."
The Linexpo Istanbul Underwear and Hosiery Fair, the leading organization of the underwear and hosiery industry which was announced in the fair calendar of 2020, was also brought to the agenda when visiting the President of Tigsad (i.e. All Underwear Manufacturers Association) Mr. Mustafa Nazik by the Minister of Interior, Mr. Suleyman Soylu.
Linexpo 2019 Istanbul Underwear and Hosiery Fair was held between 6-7-8-9 February, 2019, bringing together the most important brands of underwear, hosiery, bed and beach wear in Turkey and the sub-industry and accessory firms of these products.
The opening ceremony of Linexpo Istanbul Fair, organised at Istanbul Fair Center, was held with the participation of the World famous Russian model Kate Grigorieva. Linexpo Istanbul Underwear and Hosiery Fair can be visited from on 6-7-8-9 February between 9:00 to 19:00 hours.
The opening ceremony of the Linexpo Istanbul Fair organised at the Istanbul Exhibition Center was held with the participation of the world famous Russian model Kate Grigorieva. Linexpo Istanbul Underwear & Hosiery Fair can be visited on February 6-7-8-9 from 9:00 to 19:00 hours.
The fair calendar of Linexpo's 2019, one of the Turkey's most important fashion appointments, which was held as a giant industry meeting with fashion shows, exhibitions and visual spectacles and never compromises from its objective to lead the sector, was announced.
142 companies participated in the LINEXPO Istanbul fair, which was held in recent days. Visitors from 60 countries participated in the fair, held with the organisation of the Underwear Manufacturers Association, TİGSAD.
The Association of ALL the Underwear Manufacturers (TIGSAD) has started increasing their exports from total of $6 billion last year to around $7 billion this year.
On Saturday, November 18, a drawing was made for underwear and hosiery companies that demanded a further participation in LINEXPO fair at Cemile Sultan Grove in Kandilli, and the Tigsad President Osman Alyuz and Chairman of the Committee of Linexpo fair, Nazım Kanpolat gave information about the fair and the roadshow activities.
Combining Turkey's most important brands of clothing, socks, beds and beach clothing and the subsivens of these products, Linexpo Istanbul Indoor Fair opened at the IFM Istanbul Exhibition Center on 8 February 2018 at 11.00 with the presentation of renowned top model server Deniz Akkaya.
The doors of our fair, which is to be opened on February 8-11, will be open to all our visitors on February 8-9-10-11 between 9:30-18:00 hours.